

m.anhuilife.com    2023-12-28






  time passed quickly, and the annual winter solstice was coming between the eyes. the winter solstice is a very important festival in the chinese lunar calendar. it is also a traditional festival.

  it is said that the winter solstice is the shortest day in the whole year of the northern hemisphere and the longest day in the night. after the winter solstice, the winter solstice will grow day by day. in the northern part of the winter, there is the custom of slaughtering sheep, eating dumplings and eating wonton on the day of winter solstice. in the south, there is a habit of eating tangyuan on this day, which means that it is round and happy.

  of course, my family is no exception. on this day, mother bought back big and small, different flavors of soup in the shop early in the shop. i looked at the greedy, so with his mother in the back to see my mother cook up glutinous rice balls. i saw my mother flexible hands and feet, the dolphin round glutinous rice balls thrown into the boiling water, looked at the white white glutinous rice balls, i slobber to flow out......

  after a while, the soup was cooked, and the mother got the sugar. i looked carefully at the dumpling, which was white and tender, like a delicate little white baby. it also looked like a little ball wearing a snow-white dress. i can't wait to put one of my chopsticks in my mouth - ironing! maybe it is i eat too fast, then, then, gently bite, a sweet smell of sweet smell from the soup out, across the nose, really fragrant ah! this smell makes me happy, the fragrance as if flowing through my heart, make my heart warm, sweet. i can't help but say, "the soup is delicious. it's sweet."

  tang yuan, a symbol of round and round, this night, our family around together, watching tv, eating tangyuan. laughing, happy. i feel happy in my heart.

  yes, now the society is stable and the living standard of the people is increasing. we have to take this good opportunity. to study hard and to be a person who has a contribution to the society and to the country in the future.


  december 22nd this year is the shortest day of the winter solstice and the northern hemisphere daytime in a year. the sky in my city blooms in and out of the first ray of sunlight since the east. so the whole world is zero in the bright sun.

  i read the words above with a very cheerful voice, and sorrow is too late to appear in my mind. i looked out of the window, a row of bare plane in the sun does not become real.

  loneliness is a wonderful feeling. sometimes people say they are lonely and melancholy, just because they like that feeling, not true. at least i'm one of them

  "suddenly, the world suddenly in a murky sky over a dark earth, are not what"... in the past five hours, i have been listening to this song, and in a trance, silence, singing in one cycle, no change of voice, and no change in my thinking. at this time the time seemed to be stagnant and solidified. "the third biggest of us is time," zhang xiaoxian said. "it's just a word in my mind that doesn't have any practical meaning, for me."

  "your favorite guitar is in my room now, and the song you want to write most has not appeared." this is the most i love the lyrics, chastity, but far-reaching. in huo yan's book, it was discovered by accident, a new meal, and then engraved in his mind. huo yan is a little similar to me. i am narcissistic that 77 will grow up night and night in the winter solstice, and i wait for our adult gift.

  2005 is about to be my history, our history. some people forget that some people remember that when it was dark, let us warm each other.



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