

m.anhuilife.com    2023-12-11



rain is falling all around, 

it falls on field and tree, 

it rains on the umbrella here, 

and on the ships at sea. 





2.never give up永不放弃

never give up, never lose hope. 

always have faith, it allows you to cope. 

trying times will pass, as they always do. 

just have patience, your dreams will come true. 

so put on a smile, you'll live through your pain. 

know it will pass, and strength you will gain .










英 诗《 did you never know? 》汉 译《 你 会 不 知 道? 》

莎拉 · 特雷弗 · 蒂斯黛尔(sara trevor teasdale,1884年8月8日—1933年1月29日),是美国的一位杰出的抒情诗人。 1918年美国诗协会年度诗人奖,哥伦比亚大学诗协会奖(普利策诗歌奖前身)的获得者,是美国20世纪初期最有迷人魅力的抒情诗人之一。

当人们以高分贝喊响她的前辈诗人henry wadsworth longfellow, walt whiteman时,她基本上不被人们记起;而当同时代的骄子william carlos williams横空出世,光耀盖人,使她更是像黯淡的小星星。同辈像ezra pound, marianne moore, thomas stearns eliot在学术界中也比她更加滋润鲜活,文学史上厚实的评述让他们灿烂无比。或许她的生命旅程结束得过早,她本应属于人类的才情与同她的生活志趣、更好的诗篇也随之湮没。

1.    原           文  /  解         读

did you never know?

—— by sara - trevor - teasdale ( us / 1884. 8. 8 —1933. 1. 29 )

你 会 不 知 道?            

—— 原 著 / 莎拉 · 特雷弗 · 蒂斯黛尔 ( 美 / 1884. 8. 8 —1933. 1. 29 )

did you never know, long ago, how much you loved me-

that your love would never lessen and never go?                  b  

you were young then, proud and fresh-hearted,

you were too young to know.                                                 c





fate is a wind, and red leaves fly before it                              d  

far apart, far away in the gusty time of year—              

seldom we meet now, but when i hear you speaking,

i know your secret, my dear, my dear.





2.    原          文   /  中      译      文

did you never know?

—— by sara - trevor - teasdale ( us / 1884. 8. 8 —1933. 1. 29 )

你 会 不 知 道?            

—— 原 著 / 莎拉 · 特雷弗 · 蒂斯黛尔 ( 美 / 1884. 8. 8 —1933. 1. 29 )

did you never know, long ago, how much you loved me-

that your love would never lessen and never go?

you were young then, proud and fresh-hearted,

you were too young to know.





fate is a wind, and red leaves fly before it

far apart, far away in the gusty time of year—

seldom we meet now, but when i hear you speaking,

i know your secret, my dear, my dear.





3.    译          注  /  译     后     感

a'.    首先,特别鸣谢:本作主要参考文献 a  本作主要参考文献 b

a.     小诗有聪慧敏感,有巧言哄骗,有一爱生多恨,有一脚踏多船;也许会让我们更多人联想到初恋,联想到双方吵啊吵,没完没了

b.    本句为虚拟句式

c.     同 b;真实语义:你不再年轻,你不是不懂

d.    小诗留白亮点,一语多关:1. 红叶喻艳遇诱惑,机缘喻移情别恋;2. 红叶喻绯闻纷纭,机缘喻耳目风传;3. 红叶喻走南闯北,机缘喻守望牵挂

e.      翻译至少该是工笔,不是写意,更不是素描,同时,翻译应该不是演义,不是改写,更不是所谓“再创造”;翻译应是:始终、一切,以原文做规范、做楷模,做样板、做靶标,不褒不贬、不偏不倚、精准到位,再塑造、再铸造,无毛刺、无砂眼、无装饰,无添加,多维、模拟、仿真,再现原文主题内涵、主题表现艺术(修辞)、主题外延张力最大化;中外互译,的确也像描述某哈姆雷特:参考信息可有百个、千个,而最终采信、确认、依据信息只有一个——那个唯一原始文本,那个唯一真实哈姆雷特;中外互译,不是中外演绎、中外戏说;中外互译须恪守忠信、顺达、雅合三者一损俱损,一荣俱荣,无分主次,相对独立,不容短板、互为鼎立;在理解原作阶段,恪守不符原作语种语法不采信,不符原作语种语法、目标语言再达、再雅不采纳;在译成目标语种阶段,则不拘泥目标语种语法;翻译永远是请示,不是诠释,永远为作者、读者、自己,在人格、才识、品位三项负全责;中外互译,归根结底,人文互译;古今中外,所有词典,辞书,仅用于说明解释、学习研究人类语言,不汇集收录、制约规划人类语言,他们只是语言小岛,不是语言大海;一个单词、一个文字,无论中外,其真正含义、生命活力,不仅在专家学者辞书、词典、时尚强大线上机翻,不仅在词法、句法、语法,更多体现在实地、实践、第一时间、第一地点中语言、语句、语境、篇章字里行间;翻译要完美原意,须同观原作视野,置身原作境地;翻译要完美原意,更要完美传递,原意传递要完美,其载体修辞,修辞差异切换、对接,不可或缺

f.       本作译文尚有无奈数笔,期待更多诗友译友,为宣誓全世界,昭告天下人,中国翻译,中国汉语,无出其右,深入探讨,积极参与

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19725382050&&简单而又经典的英文小诗 - 》》》 when you are old when you are old and gray and full of sleep and nodding by the fire, take down this book, and slowly read, and dream of the soft look your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; how many loved your moments of glad grace,...

19725382050&&有名的英语小诗,要简短,4,5句!要5首 - 》》》[答案] rain rain is falling all around,. it falls on field and tree, it rains on the umbrella here, and on the ships at sea. what does the bee do? what does the bee do? bring home honey. what does father do? bring home money. and what does mother do? lay ...
