《题竹林寺》 朱放
a poem inscribed on bamboo temple
zhu fang
many a scene is wrapped in *** oke and twilight here.
bamboo temple, your feelings are profound and sincere.
but how many times can i see you face to face?
since life is so short and spent at a hurried pace.
《罢相作》 李适之
after my resignation as prime minister
li shizhi
i resign my post of prime minister to the wiser,
and drink from a wine cup every day to my heart's pleasure.
of all those who came as guests to my house in the past,
how many are now willing to e and see me at last?
《山中》 王勃
in hills
by wang bo
long stay by the yangtze river,
thousands of miles away from home,
yellow leaves in late autumn wind
fall and float in hills, make me sad.
《长命女》 冯延巳
three wishes
feng yanji
a feast being spread in springtime,
with a cup of green wine and a yoyous song,
i repeat my salutation and offer my three wishes;
first, may you have a long life;
second, may i have a good health;
third, may we live as the swallows on the beam,
happily together all the year round.
《终南望余雪》 祖咏
looking at snows on zhongnan mountain
zu yong
the shady side of zhongnan is a charm;
peak snows float over clouds like white long arm.
on mount woods after snow the sun shines bright;
in town the men's feel colder still at night.
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